Entrevista com Finkelstein em Sciences et Avenir

N. T. Wrong, em postagem de hoje em seu blog homônimo, chama a atenção para uma entrevista de Israel Finkelstein publicada na revista Sciences et Avenir, com data de 17 de dezembro de 2008.

Veja a entrevista aqui. Em francês.

Pour Israël Finkelstein, dans Sciences et Avenir de décembre 2008, “les textes sacrés ne sont pas des comptes-rendus historiques”. Découvrez l’interview de Finkelstein dans S & A de décembre dans la suite de cette note (…) Propos recueillis à Megiddo par Bernadette Arnaud – Extrait de la revue Sciences et Avenir : 17 décembre 2008

Finkelstein Interview in Sciences et Avenir, December 2008

Tributo a Israel Finkelstein

FANTALKIN, A.; YASUR-LANDAU, A. (eds.) Bene Israel: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and the Levant during the Bronze and Iron Ages in Honour of Israel Finkelstein. Leiden: Brill, 2008, xx + 247 p. – ISBN 9789004152823

Este livro é uma homenagem – um Festschrift – ao arqueólogo Israel Finkelstein, prestada, simbolicamente, por 12 de seus ex-alunos. Os ensaios abordam vários aspectos da arqueologia de Israel e do Levante durante as Idades do Bronze e do Ferro.

This collection of twelve papers, dedicated to Professor Israel Finkelstein, deals with various aspects concerning the archaeology of Israel and the Levant during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Although the area under discussion runs from southeastern Turkey (Alalakh) down to the arid zones of the Negev Desert, the main emphasis is on the Land of Israel. This collection provides the most recent evaluation of a number of thorny issues in Israeli archaeology during the Bronze and Iron Ages and specifically addresses chronology, state formation, identity, and agency. It offers, inter alia, a fresh look at the burial practices and iconography of the periods disscussed, as well as a re-evaluation of the subsistence economy and settlement patterns. This book is finely illustrated with more than sixty original drawings.

“…The twelve authors included here, a symbolic metaphor, represent in fact only a fraction of Israel’s many students. Professor Finklestein’s ongoing commitment to the training and guiding of students will no doubt continue to produce a steady flow of new archaeologists. More “Bene” and “Benot” Israel indeed.”

Os editores: Alexander Fantalkin, Universidade de Tel-Aviv, Israel, e Assaf Yasur-Landau, Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Cruz, USA.