Os Manuscritos do Mar Morto e a história de sua descoberta

Segundo a editora, Os Manuscritos do Mar Morto: Uma História Completa, Volume I, é o primeiro de dois volumes que oferece a mais completa descrição da descoberta dos manuscritos e de sua história nos últimos 60 anos.

FIELDS, W. W. The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Full History. Volume I. Leiden: Brill, 2009, 608 p. – ISBN 9789004175815

Who discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls? When and where were they discovered? How were they saved? Who bought them and who paid for them? Who has them now and who owns them? Will more be discovered? Have all the scrolls been published? Are some still hidden away? Were there conspiracies to suppress some scrolls? Preceded by The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Short History, 2006 [resenha na RBL por Eric F. Mason, 28/03/2009], The Dead Sea Scrolls, A Full History, vol. 1, is the first of a projected two volumes offering a more complete account of the discovery of the scrolls and their history over the past 60 years since the first scrolls were discovered in a cave near the Dead Sea. Weston W. Fields, Th.D., Ph.D., has been Executive Directory of the Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation in Jerusalem since 1991.

Novo texto de Finkelstein sobre a monarquia unida em Israel

O mais recente texto de Israel Finkelstein sobre o reino unido de Davi e Salomão é A Great United Monarchy? Archaeological and Historical Perspectives e está nas páginas 3-28 do livro

KRATZ, R. G.; SPIECKERMANN, H. (eds.) One God – One Cult – One Nation: Archaeological and Biblical Perspectives. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2010, 463 p. – ISBN 9783110223576.

Do livro diz a editora:
Recent archaeological and biblical research challenges the traditional view of the history of ancient Israel. This book presents the latest findings of both academic disciplines regarding the United Monarchy of David and Solomon (‘One Nation’) and the cult reform under Josiah (‘One Cult’), raising the issue of fact versus fiction. The political and cultural interrelations in the Near East are illustrated on the example of the ancient city of Beth She’an/Scythopolis and are discussed as to their significance for the transformation in the conception of God (‘One God’). The volume contains 17 contributions by internationally eminent scholars from Israel, Finland and Germany.

Die jüngere archäologische und bibelwissenschaftliche Forschung stellt das traditionelle Bild der Geschichte des antiken Israel infrage. Der vorliegende Band führt neueste Forschungsergebnisse beider Wissenschaftsdisziplinen zusammen und stellt die Frage nach der historischen Faktizität oder literarischen Fiktionalität des Davidisch-Salomonischen Großreichs (‘One Nation’) und der Kultreformmaßnahme unter Josia (‘One Cult’). Die politischen und kulturellen Wechselbeziehungen innerhalb des Vorderen Orients werden am Beispiel der antiken Stadt Beth She’an/Scythopolis veranschaulicht und in ihrer Bedeutung für den Wandel des Gottesbildes (‘One God’) problematisiert. Der Sammelband enthält siebzehn englischsprachige Beiträge von international anerkannten Forschern aus Israel, Finnland und Deutschland.

Entre os autores estão, além de Israel Finkelstein, Amihai Mazar, Erhard Blum, Alexander Rofé, Markus Witte, Reinhard G. Kratz, Hanspeter Schaudig, Ze’ev Herzog, Juha Pakkala, Gabriel Mazor, Katharina Heyden, Hermann Spieckermann, Matthias Köckert, Ephraim Stern, Michael Segal e Christoph Auffarth. O sumaário do livro pode ser visto no site da editora Walter de Gruyter. Os ensaios estão em inglês.

O texto de Israel Finkelstein começa dizendo que:
“Twelve years have passed since I first presented – to the German Institute in Jerusalem – my ideas on the chronology of the Iron Age strata in the Levant and how it impacts on our understanding of the biblical narrative on the United Monarchy of ancient Israel. I was naïve enough then to believe that the logic of my ‘correction’ was straightforward and clear. Twelve years and many articles and public debates later, however, the notion of Davidic conquests, Solomonic building projects, and a glamorous United Monarchy – all based on an uncritical reading of the biblical text and in contradiction of archaeological finds – is still alive in certain quarters. This paper presents my updated views on this matter, and tackles several recent claims that archaeology has now proven the historicity of the biblical account of the great kingdom of David and Solomon”.

Biblioteca Digital de Fernando Pessoa

A Biblioteca que pertenceu ao escritor português Fernando Pessoa (Lisboa, 1888-1935) foi colocada online. São 1142 volumes, de todos os gêneros e em vários idiomas, densamente anotados e manuscritos.

Diz Inês Pedrosa na Apresentação:
Procurámos tornar acessível e simples a compreensão da biblioteca no seu todo – que está classificada por categorias temáticas – e a consulta de cada livro. Destacámos páginas que incluem manuscritos do próprio Pessoa – ensaios e poemas escritos nas páginas de guarda dos livros. Trata-se de uma biblioteca aberta ao infinito da interpretação – bela, surpreendente e instigante, como tudo o que Fernando Pessoa criou. Usufruam-na.

O acesso se faz através do site Casa Fernando Pessoa.